Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hi and Welcome!

Hello visitor! On behalf of the future people of Earth, thank you for your interest in Permaculture Food Forests. I am currently researching and compiling information for this site.
My aim is to create a separate page for each level of the forest providing suggestions for recommended species for each specific level.
Some levels can be defined as:
• Canopy

• Ground cover
• Root systems
• Herbaceous
Each plant in the Permaculture Food Forest plays their own specific role of their characterised level of a forest and are also productive, but above all, they play out their vital role to create the self-sustaining system that is a Permaculture Food Forest!

Whether it's called Permaculture or not, it will be an integral part of the future of Mankind.

Stay tuned. While you wait for further information on this particular topic, the internet is packed with ideas for Permaculture. Visit my other blog:
A compilation of these ideas set out in an easy and inspiring format. Click Here to visit, or here:

If you have any questions or suggestions in the meantime, please email me: